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Guided tours city history

The Making of an Emperor (15th-17th cent.)

Grades pre-school - 6
The history and importance of Frankfurt as a former Imperial election and coronation site are the theme of this tour, centring on the original historical locations Cathedral, Römerberg and Imperial Hall. Through interactive role-playing, the coronation and procession from the Cathedral via the Coronation Way to the Römerberg is re-enacted, and the Imperial regalia in the Historical Museum are viewed.
The visit of the Emperors’ Hall (Kaisersaal) cannot be guaranteed.

Approximate duration: 1 1/2- 2 hrs.
Admission: 5 € per child,
groups up to 12 children 75 € all included
Group size: max. 25, 2 accompaning adults free, additional adults reduced admission
Private groups (max. 20 adults & children) 175 € all included

Frankfurt Once? City development 

Grades 3 - 7
In the main exhibition building of the Historical Museum, the tour explores historical plans and city models displaying the diversity of Frankfurt’s development.  A contemporary model and the mechanical ‘Snow Globe’ revealing artistic and very individual views of the city, which are viewed and discussed.

Social life in medieval Frankfurt (8th-15th cent.)

Grades 4 - 7
This interactive city tour highlights the social life of local citizens and foreigners in medieval Frankfurt, from the 8th to the 16th century. Stops along the way include authentic places of events, such as Cathedral Hill, Römerberg, the Staufer era harbour and excavations in the Historical Museum. Topics of the tour include the special location and importance of the original Franconian settlement, as well as the outstanding importance of trade fairs and commerce for the city’s development.

Approximate duration: 1 1/2- 2 hrs.
Admission: 5 € per child, groups up to 12 children 75 € all included
Group size: max. 25, 2 accompaning adults free, additional adults reduced admission
Private groups (max. 20 adults & children) 175 € all included

Information and booking: 069/212-35154 (Mon-Fri 10 am-4 pm)
Early notification for guided tours with classes is requested!