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Tilly Edinger - Media (in German)

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If you want to know how Tilly Edinger described her research and life in her own voice, listen to "The Petrified Brain: Tilly Edinger Explores the History of Our Mind".


Tilly Edinger's father, Ludwig Edinger, was a well-known neurologist. If you want to know more about him listen to "The Brain on the Kitchen Table: Ludwig Edinger and the Beginnings of Brain Research in Frankfurt".


Tilly Edinger's father had a large collection of vertebrate brains. Find out more about this in the film: "Edinger Animal Brain Collection".

„Edinger Tiergehirnsammlung“

Der Film entstand im Zusammenhang mit der Ausstellung „Ich sehe wunderbare Dinge. 100 Jahre Sammlungen der Goethe-Universität“ (Oktober 2014 bis Februar 2015) im Museum Giersch der Goethe-Universität. Filmteam: Sophie Edschmidt (Regie und Schnitt), Philipp Kehm (Kamera), Philipp Gebbe (Musik), Dr. Charlotte Trümpler (Idee und Beratung)

Learn something about how the human brain works by watching the film "The Brain - Structure and Function".

„Das Gehirn – Aufbau und Funktion“

Brains of mice, rat, sheep and human differ. See more about this in the film "The Sheep Brain in Comparison". 

„Das Schafhirn im Vergleich“

If you want to know something about the evolution of living things millions of years ago, watch the film "Evolution - The Story of our Life".

„Evolution – die Geschichte unseres Lebens“

If you want to know exactly what a fossil is, watch the film "What are Fossils?"

Film „Was sind Fossilien?“

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