River Main Rally
Grades pre-school - 5
bookable in German only! (April to October)
At the banks of the Main River, between the bridges Eiserner Steg and Alte Brücke, the group will learn about the river’s importance for the city, and get to know interesting stories surrounding it. The rally also examines the Main’s water with physical experiments. Since the rally takes place outside in any weather, please dress weather proof!
Approximate duration: 3 hrs.
Group size: max. 25
Admission: 12 € per child, groups up to 12 children 120 € all included
2 accompaning adults free, additional adults reduced admission
Information and booking: 069/212-35154 (Mon-Fri 10 a.m.-4 p.m.)
Early notification for guided tours with classes is requested!
Attention: Appointment changes or tour cancellations at least three days prior to appointment. Failure to notify results in a cancellation fee.