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Otto Hahn - Experimente

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Mousetrap experiment

Watch the film of the mousetrap experiment. You can see in the model what happens when a neutron hits an atomic nucleus and splits it.
Try to simulate a similar experiment: To do this, place the dominoes (atomic nucleus) in the large wooden box and throw the small rubber ball (neutron) at them.
Compare your results with the mousetrap experiment in the film. Make a check in the research sheet to mark if you were able to trigger a chain reaction.




Form the oxygen atom according to Bohr's atomic model. You can find the information you need on the research sheet, and the needed material in the flat white box with the black lines. Then make a drawing of the model.


Take the quiz on the research sheet.

Life     * Research     * Experiments     * Media     < back



Atomic model
Form the oxygen atom according to Bohr's atomic model. You can find the information you need on the research sheet, and the needed material in the flat white box with the black lines. Then make a drawing of the model.


Take the quiz on the research sheet.