Children Have Rights!
Interactive exhibition for children, young people and families
In cooperation with the Frankfurter Kinderbüro
For children age 7 and above
What am I allowed to do? What am I entitled to? What do I even have a legal right to? Answers to these questions can be found in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child with its 54 articles - and the exhibition “Children Have Rights!” at the Junges Museum Frankfurt. Here children, young people and adults can learn about individual children's rights in a playful and hands-on way.
Children have rights - children's rights. They are experts in their own world, aware of themselves and others. Young people can recognize the context of their experiences, evaluate and develop their own views from them. It is very important for children to grow up knowing and being able to use their rights. Adults also have a duty to know, support and protect these rights.
The family-friendly exhibition focuses on the relationship between children's rights and the world in which young people live. Interactive stations with hands-on tasks provide information about rights and their significance. Equipped with a passport, visitors make their way through a labyrinth where key themes such as “equality”, “freedom of expression and information”, “protection in war and flight”, “education and leisure”, “protection of privacy” and “good life” are conveyed through playful interactions: demonstrations, listening to stories about protections in flight and war, inventing poems, discovering through play their personal relationship to children's rights, and discussing together in the “good life” game what each feels is important for living well. At the end of the exhibition visit, a single children's right is selected by secret ballot and discussed in the children's parliament.
The exhibition is particularly suitable for school classes and groups from 3rd grade and above, with or without a guide: shared experiences, discussions and decisions are central to many of the stations and tasks.
After its run at the Junges Museum, the mobile exhibition can be borrowed free of charge by Frankfurt institutions from the Frankfurter Kinderbüro.
Press kit (German) * Press photos
Information and booking:
069/212-35154 (Mon-Fri 10 am - 4 pm)
Opening hours:
Closed on Mondays
Tuesday to Sunday: 11 am - 6 pm
Adults 8 € /reduced: 4 €
Free admission for everybody under 18
Groups by prior notification only!